Life, work, play, fun with it

All characters are not true if this somehow match you consider yourself lucky.

Monday, November 14, 2005

The story of LENG, HOR and PAO

*This story is special-ly dedicated to 3 of these ‘beloved friends’. Please leave any comment if you found this page. Best regard from E-vil editor.

Long-long time ago, there was PAO (leopard) come into society. Everything to him was just so fresh and new. He fell everything was just so nice and peace, people are good (some of them are born to be e-vil just can’t told). This PAO was a wanderer. Always wander around and go every where, may be we can say he is some type of animal with spirit of adventurous with no value. But I still want to name it as ‘SO PIAO’.

Later the HOR (tiger) come into picture. I still remember tiger was basically a type of cat but this tiger was worst than a cat, I could only imagine monkey will suit him the best. No matter how, I still like to call him as HOR. HOR have funny character, smile as he like and talk like grand mother. By the way, HOR got a very short memory. He could lost his important memory after time past. May be the memory having permanent defect in early build. Those sound like o-e-o. HOR like to act and close character to PAO. This had made them good buddy. Know why????? Both of them are from the same great-great-great grand mother. Normally label as ‘Cho Kong sama-sama kucing’. So the HOR and PAO together they wander around, some they hunt and sometimes got hunted. To me I think they always got hunted, bull-eye…….or…headshot…..whatever you can name it.

Not for long, the LENG (fa long) shows up. It looks a bit cute (I feel dead when I wrote the word cute…errr), and like lady looks. The LENG was somehow smart at the first place. He keen to learn and want to learn everything new. The problem arise, when the HOR and PAO come into LENG life. PAO secret weapon was kind of lethal because this is mental attack. It can cause normal human/animal turn into the same character like him. Normally we call ‘sap ha sap ha’. At first, the PAO try to be good with LENG. After observe for sometime, PAO launch his attack to LENG. The PAO weapon is to mentally brain wash the LENG. LENG was not prepare on that time and what he could hear is; look into my eye….look into my eye….you will be come sap ha sap ha….….look into my eye . The LENG struggle hard but not hard enough or may be the power has double since HOR join into the group. PAO and HOR launch a final deadly attack to LENG. The fight end up LENG KO from the ring.

This round is LENG was exhausted and brain wash by this 2 stupidous creatures on earth. From the eye of LENG, you can see sap-ha-sap-ha. This type of damage normally took years to recover and you need jedi type of spirit to get rid of that. The attack will first damage your common sense and nerve. The symptom is you can talk to yourself and laugh at your own. Pretty scary hah….. Poor little ‘fa LENG’ become one of their gang. The dark-age has begun………The society has named them as LENG, HOR and PAO…..

*I was almost laugh till death when write this article. It really humiliate of this 3 characters ‘LENG, HOR, PAO’ and the worst part is so call mental weapon ‘sap-ha-sap-ha’ that has no cure. I wonder dark lord, darth vader, Anakin, obi-wan, qui-gon, senator palpatine, sith loard, r2d2,c3po, yoda the little green man, jar jar binks and the last but not least cewbakar always hooohaaarhoo. Mmmmhhh........


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