Life, work, play, fun with it

All characters are not true if this somehow match you consider yourself lucky.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

My Neighbor

I got a bunch of neighbor that could consider 'si pat poh', 'si pat kong' and 'lap sap jong' and also the 'lan hou' queen=curse all time. (Read all this in contanese). Let me elaborate one by one.
The Si pat family:
There are 3 generations stay in a house. The grandfather, grandmother, the husband and wife & her 'cacat' brother last but not least kids and 1 fatty kid as well. It looks everything OK if they keep their month SHUT and ZIP IT UP. The grandfather and grandmother are like human satelit, they will receive and transmit signal non-stop to the atmospere and other 'si pat poh' and 'si pat kong' will be the human repeater and modifier. Nothing to do and busy with other people stuff, who cares? The grandfather the worst, all time act like 'big brother'. This is the effect after watch too much of hong kong underground movie. There is married couple, the husband and wife busy everyday work non-stop to sustain the family because they got a huge family that do nothing and sit down wait for god to help them. The grands got another kids (I think should be around 25 years old), he can't speak a think and I doubt he can't think properly as well. This is orang keupayaan, but the other way round his handphone is all time better and expensive then you and me. He smoke, drugs, fuck a chicken and everything you can name it. I call him cewbaker 1, he can only know how to speak 'woooor...rrrrr...woooo......OyeeeeeeOOOOO'. You will have a very headache when he open his mouth.......since he can't speak a thing. There are 2 kids, both are little devil and even they can't speak but they use to yell in talking. The kid, little fatty and girl, little chewbaker all time fight and shout. I think their school teacher may face the same problem, think both of this children are just retarded and send them to tanjung rambutan. The little chewbaker can cry non-stop, 1 day cry 3 times and everytime 1 time is louder than each round. Fucking hell......keep the mouth shut......the parents will yell at the kid. The kids, little fatty can describe as jar jar bink. Throw rubbish anywhere and every where and all time liar..........They got a command habit, throw rubbish as they like........By they way, forgot about fishmonger family. They pay the visit to both grands. All right, they are produce from the 'same factory', so they use yell to communicate with each other.....OOOOOIIIIII......KIIIII SEEEE LAHHHHH............
The little green man family:
They stay the same level with chewbaker family. The mother is nightclub ma ma san and the father is gangster but got 'buang negeri'. They got a few kids, little devil. The mother won't care much about the kids because work at night and sleep in morning. The little devil will trow rubbish to other neighbor house except their house........Fucking hell habit.... I have screw them twice and their friend. Their friend yell from one corner to other in order to 'talk'. Brainless speices do not know they can talk smoothly, so I screw them hard........They got no idea how all people stay there hate them. They make people piss.......
The 'Lan Hou' Lady:
This lady got not much problem if mouth is keep shut. Once the mouth open only curse word will came out from her mouth. 'Kui kan lah lu....chow chi bai....lan chioa.......'. If you filter out all her curse word, basically the content is just about left 20% to delivered and 80% is curse words. 'Chi bai....the lan chioa guy fuck me hard last night....and my chi bai feel no good today.....'. She looks like a low grade whore................
Heaven would fit you, the socialty do not need you, I thinks hell the best for all of you.....


At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha... You are so luckly to have these "funny" neighbours.


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