Life, work, play, fun with it

All characters are not true if this somehow match you consider yourself lucky.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My Lab Monkey; MOJO JOJO

Recently due to limited resources in my work place, my boss needed to hire a person to resolve this issue. I don’t see any problem in hiring people, and 1 day……..

Boss: Got some time…….let interview the new guy, I have screen through the first round.

Me: Mmmmmh…Alright, let me finish whatever on hand.

Boss: Will meet in xxxxxxx conference room.

Me: See you there, would be about 5 minutes later.

In order to make all this short, I have a different view point on the new candidate between my ‘boss’ and me. Bottom line, he seems to be bluffing a lot of technical stuff. Ultimately, the choice is still in boss hand. The answer is ‘Will take him, also he is teachable’, this inequitable decision.

After all, Jojo come to work as usual with quoted as “I’m stupid, I’m idiot, I’m Mojo Jojo. I will rule of you by using my stupid-ious mind power. Mwah..hahahahahaha.”

I explain to Mojo Jojo what are the job requirement and assignment.

Mojo Jojo begin his first attack. Ruin almost all database data!!!!!!!!! Me whip his ass. Another thing I discover is Mojo Jojo is PC illiterate even writing a simple email. Scenario as another joker need result from his working, he will reply mail like below:




Title: Monkey data

Please download.



Mojo Jojo


Hey…………..some light please. No one understood what it means from the message. Please download?????????

After all most of us ‘enlightened’ him, his stupid-ious mind come out another idea.




Title: Monkey result from the most brilliant mind

Hi Joker,

Below is the result from equipment I tested. I test the equipment with a good power supply, it was exposed (photo#1, photo#2, photo#3) the equipment still can work.

Please do not hestitate to contact me on any questions.



Mojo Jojo


Exposed????????? It should be ‘exploded’. Also the sentence ‘Please do not hesitate to contact me on any questions’, he expecting lots of question people going to ask with no hesitation. Arrrrhhhhh….how this thing could be exploded????? Mojo Jojo have done some evil in it. I need some fire to cook this monkey.

Mojo Jojo Biography:

Name: Mojo Jojo

Age: Unknown (may be just 12 years old)

From: Planet of the Apes. You can’t find in world map!

Graduate: University of Tarzan

Major: Degree in Idiotic

Final year assignment: Stay in jungle and make friend with leopard, lion and dragon also some donkey.

Years of experience: Unknown


- Work in xxxxx company, able to make people spill blood in less than 3 months by using stupid-ous brain power. Manager promoted him as the ‘stupid-ous man of the year’.

- People magazine have once interview him and have him in ‘last’ page. (Used it during toilet time).

- Selling his own butt in university time. Experience got rejected by weight a ton lady.

Language skill: Monkey language. Hard time to speak properly.

Written skill: Only people with similar brain wave length do understand.

Weight: Unknown

Height: Unknown

Willing to travel: Yes. Make sure trees is close to company, I need a swing.


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