Life, work, play, fun with it

All characters are not true if this somehow match you consider yourself lucky.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

May God Bless Our Country

We, as a citizen of this country; we pay you tax but nothing have been done except keep pour out money to build rubbish in England. Also gave us no discount when buy our own house, car or anything you name can name it.

We, as a citizen of this country; we pay you employee providence fund (EPF), end up you suck up all our money to build white elephant in city and monkey in local university.

We, as a citizen of this country; we pay you tax whenever we go restaurant and fast food center (McD-onkey or KFC – Kentucky Fuck Chicken or A&W -Asshole & Wacky or etc) but a nice and clean public toilet you can’t maintain.

As a leader, set a good example to all your peoples. This to show you are not big time liar (anyway, most politician are liar who one cannot be trust and forgive but some are good and only time will tell the truth). Vision, mission blah, blah blah…………blah…..Even national TV live broadcast show most ‘heavy weight’ people sleep during our leader giving speech. They mind probably thinking, why not just keep your month shut we will run the monkey business for you. Monkey see, monkey do. Don’t forget monkey do shit also.

As a leader, admit this failure and not ‘divert’ the issue. Address the issue correct and have a fix. Don't your PAPA taught you before? What wrongs with your brain, is any one THEREEEEEE!!!!!!!!.(hear some echo around. It said: Is empty house inside but just a few spidy hanging around). With an empty brained and people begin to talk about globalization, isn’t this fascinating. Remember the day, when NASA sent a monkey to space. Is like a given death sentence and no appeal should be taken to high court. We should also send our local u-gradd to outer space, check this out probably they will clap their hand and shout: hoooohooohoooo….clap clap clap….beeeeellllllaaasssahhh…..mannna......eeejjjject.......buuutttannnnnggga....

As a leader, provide ‘balance’ to the society. A balance you must make and justice should be carried regardless of backgorund but none of this has done once boleh-boy is involved. As the matter of fact, one is afraid will lost their position in party as well as in government position. Also if you are observed enough, this word ‘SENSITIVE/RESPECT’ has been over-abuse by local authority in speech or press. The situation is like gang raper in Indonesian kept raped those so called ‘their be-loved citizen’ and gave them respect? Do I looks silly to you???? Now, you are asking us (tax-payer) to donate money to those ‘unfortunate’ to those crape????

Out local U, you suppose to produce good quality people but end up produce ‘rubbish’ yearly and grad it back to have them ‘recycle’. The keyword here:

Rubbish – individual/group of peoples that they have hard time to get their brain function. One of the example is they can’t understand human language because they are lowest level in food chain.

Recycle – Useless and low quality stuff. This do affect out ‘real’ food chain. See, if this people are not productive, what possibility they will do????? Rob you will be the best choice. Some how they have already learnt from HK movie, rap and rob then rap and rob……..endless cycle. One thing kept in mind, local government do pay for recycle process and where the money came from………..”Our beloved citizen, remember to pay you tax else you will penalty you……hohohoho”. One side of him sound like Santa Clause and the other side of him like the Jack ripper. Blooood sucker.

Our local U, you suppose to provide a decent place for people to study. Again, a bunch of monkeys seems to have occupied the place. So, you can’t blame any foreigner may/might think our people still stay on tree and lack of civilization. Some other may have advantages over another, it could be judge by their location of hostel, respect from others, rights to voice up….Arrrhhhhh am I saying Rights to Voice up??????? I think ‘rights’ is not in ‘kamus dewan’ because this is English not Manglish.

Our local U, you should have to liaise with some private sectors not only to have those bunches of rubbishes to work out a 3 to 6 months so called practical. Practically, they seems to label themselves ‘highly educated’ with Tarzan university WITHOUT knowing or knowledge in society. If you wanna make you papa proud, just go kick some one ass who is not one of your kind……Again, matter of fact this has publish on newspaper almost every month. No one will miss the show.

Bottom line, this is what we call big butt-get movie. Enjoy the show….Ehhhhh where is my popcorn?????


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